Stories, Success & Stuff

Episode 28: Resolving Resolutions

A Siarza Production Season 2 Episode 28
Welcome back, dear friends! As we kick off the new year and our second podcast season, gratitude fills our hearts for your steadfast support. In this season, we continue to spin tales of triumph and self-awareness,  weaving them into a vibrant tapestry of laughter and shared experiences, emphasizing that the journey of growth is best experienced together.

We're all about realistic ambitions over here—celebrating the small wins, like remembering to fill up the car before the dreaded 'E' looms, and embracing those liberating "whatever" moments when plans go awry. Sharing a slice of our lives, from family histories to our afternoon soda rituals, we're underscoring the importance of self-compassion and embracing our unique paths through life. 

So, pull up a chair, grab your beverage of choice, and let's toast to individuality, the joy of collective growth, and, of course, finding success on our own terms!

A Siarza Production
Hosted by Kristelle Siarza Moon & Jace Downey
Executive Producer: Kristelle Siarza Moon
Producer: Jace Downey
Video/Editing: Justin Otsuka

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Follow us on FB, IG, TT, YT and TW @siarzatheagency
Follow Kristelle @kristellesiarza
Follow Jace @jacedowneyofficial


One of the things that you wrote down was patience over planning. What does that mean Exactly, especially in the context of resolutions?


Yes, it's season two.


I don't know why that had to happen. Yeah, no, no, no, it's OK. Justin knew I was going to be screaming. Season two yeah. That's why he was just like pushing the microphones away.


Get this out of your face. Please don't make that job harder.


Oh my God, you people. Happy new year, Happy new year yes. I am very excited about season two, yes, and the new year. We have had such great success on the show. Thank you to all of our listeners, our viewers, our friends, our moms, our everybody that has been such a big support on stories, success and stuff. During the break we have not only planned an incredible season of content, of joy, of stories of tears we can't really plan our tears, but that's OK.


We can't. We could try. We can't no.


Yeah, maybe.


Could say really insulting things to one another until one of us cries. I mean it's totally off brand. But we could do it. I'm just saying we're in charge so we can do that if we want. I don't like this episode. It's not fun anymore.


Most importantly, thanks to Jace and to Justin for having such a great, successful podcast. We've heard from folks from the mayor's office, from folks from Alaska. If you were in Alaska, yeah, what They'd be chilling. Yeah, jennifer, thank you, love you. I think you've been so fucking hilarious. Every single time I hear you.


And thank you for laughing at that bad joke, Justin. I appreciate that. I totally missed it.


In unintentionally, accidentally.


Sorry, it was in neighboring territory.


OK, I got that one. We are exploring I could make an explorer joke, but I won't. We're exploring the topic today of resolving resolutions, resolutions for whatever it might be through the new year, the old years, that you might have had Resolutions. Are you a resolution maker?






And if we're diving right in. My whole system got like we talked endings and beginnings at the end.


Does that sound different? For exploding yeah, oh, ok.


It was like an explosion crumble scenario.


It sounded like simmering.


Oh well, we simmering now. Now I got a new system simmering which actually will play in quite well. But yeah, we talked endings and beginnings. We talked a little bit about. I shared a little bit about how I get ready for the new year and what that process looks like for me. Right, I did that this year A little bit different, a little more reflecting. I wasn't as like gung-ho. I have like a little less hope in my life and myself. Just, you go through enough and enough doesn't work out and whatever. You kind of get older and so you got a little less spark. Right, it doesn't come for free anymore. Anyway, I was like, oh yeah, it's going to be a cool year, whatever.


And I'm talking to this incredible friend of mine, very wise friend, love her dearly and she was saying how she was like I really think that new year should come in spring, not January 1st, but that we should really do new years in spring, because then nature is coming into a new year in a really visible way and we're seeing life and there's more of this energy that's visible, that we can participate in and we connect with, and winter is really that time to go within and, yes, you're planting seeds and things like that. But it's a nurturing time, it's not a growth time. And then here we are as humans, coming in, being like January 1, I'm doing all the growth, all the action, all of that yang energy that the natural world does not support around us. And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm making this so hard on myself, putting all this pressure, that, like come January, I got to be in action mode and then the days are shorter, we have less energy, nature around us is not demanding action, and so I thought that is so simple. And I'm sure other people are like, yeah, jace, that's how nature works.


But for me I was like I've been working against nature all of these years and making it harder on myself and putting all this pressure on myself. And then we talk about resolutions not working out. Yeah, because we're trying to do them in a time of dormancy and sleepiness and everything around us isn't supporting it. So my new plan is to still do the reflection and all of that at the end of the year, to still do that whole process, but then to give myself the first 2 and 1 1⁄2, 3 months of the new year to maintain that meditative state, to be more in a planning mode instead of thinking I got to hit the ground running, but to really allow those desires that I have, the intentions that I have to take growth on their own time and to match my cycles with nature when it comes to new year planning.


If you were asked what type of fish you are, hear me out.


Love it.


What type of fish would you be? This will kind of answer along the same lines of what you're talking about right now what type of fish would you be? I?


don't know that many fish. I feel like I'm just going to say whatever fish.


I know what comes to mind. What comes to mind.


My friend has an aquarium and there's one fish that only wants to live in the pirate ship. He doesn't want to come out of the pirate ship.


Are you talking about finding Nemo?


No, it is an orange fish, my friend's name Dory. No, it's just this, like little blob fish that just wants to hang out in a pirate ship all the time, and though it seems like a lonely existence, that was the first fish that came to mind. It's a clownfish. It's not a clownfish.


It's not a clownfish.


I've never seen a fish like this, and it just wants to be in a pirate ship all day and it's like you know what. I can kind of get on with those vibes.


Fish is a very good example of nature. Like, I love my metaphors, right, and so, talking about this metaphor that you're talking about, right, or that you're talking about the cycle of life and nature, right, there are fish that swim upstream.




If you said salmon, I'd be like oh, she's constantly used to that, like making the world working against the universe going against the train. If you're that one fish that always swims flat, right, there's a flat fish. I sound like so uneducated right now, but fuck it.


No, it's going swimmingly.


Yeah, yeah. So it has like a dark side and a light side and that type of fish like obviously he swims very differently. You're the pirate fish.


Yeah, I want an analysis on being a pirate ship fish.


The way that you I know that sounds really ridiculous, but it's just the way that you described what type of fish you would be in an aquarium very much matches the vibe that you just talked about about how you start the new year.


Oh, like down in the depths, chilling, hanging out. Yeah, what's your fish?


My fish is ooh, I think I would be the ugly algae fish the hell's that called. I don't know.




No no not Ted.


I knew a guy. No, I'm just kidding. What on could be Ted? We don't know.


You know it's the fish that sucks up the algae. I'm the type of person. What the hell's that called an algae fish?


Yep, it's definitely called that.


People are really and I tell us what it is. You know, you know what it is. One of you fuckers out there.


Knows what this fish is, put it in the comments. Oh my God, educate us.


So the fish that sucks up the algae would be mine, because, in an environment, I know how to chill and be at rest, which was what my new year started as, okay, I started at rest, but it also started among marinating with the people around me, which is what that algae fish does, like you just want to talk about, right? No, okay, so in an aquarium, there's always one fish that sucks up all the algae and he's like your natural cleaner.


Does it just like stay sucked to the aquarium?


side. Uh, huh, yeah, okay.


Those can get really big. Yeah, my friend has one of those too, and then he showed me video. Those are fucking huge. Don't put those places they're not supposed to be. They're taking over parts of the world. I'm not kidding, I mean they're taking over the world. I mean it's wild. Don't put those. Leave fish where they're supposed to be.


Yeah, but like.


PSA from.


But Filipinos are taking over the world, so it's even more relevant that I think that's all right, that I can.


you all aren't ruining ecosystems, as far as I know. So and you bring Lumpia. Yeah, I mean yes, exactly.


So this sucker, that would be my fish, because I know how to be at rest, but I also want to be useful.




I want to feel useful to the world or to the environment that I'm in. So that's the fish that I'm at.


So I feel like you do support your like servant leadership, right. So you're like supporting the rest of the tank and maybe people don't even the other fish don't even know it. They're like just like lazy in their pirate ships and whatnot and you're like taking care of shit.


They're the most like, they're cheap and you don't have to hire anybody to clean the damn tank.




And if you don't have them in there, then everybody else is fucked because they can't see.


So that's why it's we should call it a fish eat fish world, because I've learned a lot about fish from my friend and his aquarium and there's so much to fish I did not know it's a tough.


Gaggy eater. Is that really what it's called? Yeah, yeah, right here I'll G Eater. They could have come up with something a little better than that. I says the girl who named her cat kitty.


Okay, I was like I don't have a cat.


So, if I so, what's my metaphor about the new year, or resolutions because of that I have had this? 2023 was an epic year. I it's, and I talked about it in the last episode. I won't stop talking about how it was like one of the most memorable times of my life. Like there's no, there's no doubt about it I'm very excited for 2024, but it's it's that evolution of stability that we've talked about in some of our previous episodes. Right, but there was something really fun about thinking how this new year had started. Resolutions None.


However, I talked to you about it. I talked to Lucy about it. I talked to my husband about it. I said, okay, this is my resolution, because I know that I'm going to try really hard not to break it, but, at the same time, it's more of like a okay, fuck it, I'm, I'm going to do something different. I'm just going to disrupt my, my normal mode and my, and that fuck it. I don't know if you remember this. My fuck it moment was like okay, if I know somebody is very smart and competent and if I know that I, if I'm very aware that I trust them as much as they want to lean on me and as much as easier for me to say, okay, I'll help you, as much as I want to say I'll help you, I won't do it. I'd be like you know what. I trust you to complete it on your own. So do you remember that conversation that I had?


Yes, I do because I I was like I don't feel comfortable doing this and you're like oh, go on, you go and do it.


I didn't do anything, somebody else did it.


I passed it off to somebody else To the right person to a legal person.


I'm not a legal person. Perfect right. Yeah, we got it done. Yeah, it got done. And I was really and that's the thing that I had to tell myself I'm like that was actually very hard for me to say, ok, do it, I'm not going to get involved. And I'm learning a lot about myself, because you would think that, as an entrepreneur, as a leader, you're like how does she not know how to delegate?


That's one of the things entrepreneurs are the worst at yeah and I asked somebody at, so I started the year in Palm Springs with the Counselors Academy folks, beautiful place Met our mutual friend, salvatore, your friend first, absolutely amazing.


So one of the cool things that I learned in Counselors Academy. I said how do companies build themselves to the 20 to 50% agencies at the summit and somebody is like delegate, delegate, build up your team, empower them, make them stronger than what you might see it as and build them up so that way they grow and they grow exponentially and that way you can just take a step back and watch the whole thing and I'm like I want that.


I really want that that's not my resolution for 2024, because if it was a resolution, I'd probably break it, but it's definitely not a fucking moment Like, I want to make sure people succeed and I wanted to make sure that I learned something new whenever I was at this event. So that's how I started learning something new around people that totally understood my lifestyle, which is running an agency and acting like a chicken cutoff without a head anymore. What's the name of?


that first we got the chicken with its head cut off. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, good stuff comes out of Counselors Academy which, by the way, crystal will be speaking at in the spring and we're going to be featuring quite a few different folks and speakers that are also part of that community as well. They really know their stuff in this space, so part of season two will be featuring some of these really cool folks, you're really good salesperson. Great Well, we'll see. I don't do they?


watch. I don't know, but I want to make sure people know what's coming up, absolutely.


No, no, no, and it's useful.


It's very useful.


They got useful.


We're going to have useful stuff.


I think what we it was like an indirect, direct resolution for the show was continuing what we love, continuing the things that we were really happy with, not only from Justin, but also from you, justin, our videographer, video lead, our director, everything editor, whatever you think. And I say that because when we had our meeting of what are we going to do for the podcast, all of us were in sync of, like number one are we going to change this format? Nope, works great. Are we going to change the setup? Nope, ok, works great. Are we going to change the promo? No, works great.


Are we going to change our mugs? Yes, we are. Mine even has my name on it. Someone made this for me as a gift. I forgot mine. It's my winter mug. It's your winter mug.


You have a very an affinity for that beautiful hound. Is it houndstooth print?


This is not houndstooth. What is it More just like a, I don't know like a flannel Flannel or jack Flannel. Girl, don't get me started.


I'm sorry. Anyways, I would say that the show kind of took its own resolution, which was adding more beautiful people to it.


Well, and that was always the plan, bringing guests on, we had to kind of get our our beak sweat, if you will. I wish that hadn't come out of my mouth, but it did. But you know, and what the show is and let it have its own personality. Before we brought other people into the mix, yeah, but now we are. Yeah, we're spicing it up.


Let me ask you this yes, as our awesome producer of the show, planning normalcy and you talked about planning not in a way like this is not the right season for it, et cetera. So one of the things that you wrote down was patience over planning. What does that mean Exactly, Especially in the context of resolutions?


Yes, so often, and I actually gave a talk on this last January. It was the New Year's talk that I gave, which I called it to be decided, and their promotion person was like I need your talk title and I'm like no, no, that is my talk title. I did not. I'm not leaving it hanging. My talk title is to be decided and it's this notion that oftentimes we can get this idea. I'm like this is what 2024 is going to be and we can get into super planning mode and we want to have all of this agency over what's to come.


Oftentimes we've just reflected on, perhaps, what did not come to fruition and we can maybe blame ourselves. If only I'd done this and if I'd done this, and this year I'm definitely getting to the gym or whatever it is. So we get all of this momentum on what we are going to do and we get it all planned out, schedule it out, all of the things, which is great, and that cuts us off from what might be available. I don't know about you guys, but I can get blinders on when I have an idea and I get tunnel vision and then that's the thing and I'm missing all of these other opportunities. Or whether you believe in the universe, nature, sky, daddy, like whatever you want to call it, whatever the unknown is, can I often have really incredible magic waiting for us, and if we plan ourselves out of that, we miss out. So having some comfort with ambiguity, just some acceptance with ambiguity, and allowing that patients to be there to let things unfold, instead of overplanning the year.


Multiple people have told me that you are the therapist that they didn't know that they needed. That probably curses a lot more and that was exactly an example and the reason why I took kind of piggyback off of that. Patients and planning, overplanning October and November always catch me off. Sorry, october and November catch me off guard, but more so January and February catch me off guard as months as seasons.


You don't hear that as much, but people are always like can you believe it's November? I can't believe it. It's November already. How did this happen? It's like every year, folks, every year. Here it is.


Because I plan for timelines and blocks. It's either a project is 90 days or six months, or the year. So November throws me off, because usually I've accomplished everything I needed to achieve and I either have more to do in November and December or I have nothing to do and I'm pleasantly surprised. But where January and February catch me off guard it happened again this year was that I was so focused from January 1 to December 31st 2023, that when January 1, 2024 came around, I was like, oh shit, I have things I have to do. I have projects.


I have to accomplish Leftovers that were like no, it's due in 2024. So I failed at like accomplishing failed. I failed at planning properly and I know you're saying patients overplanning. I didn't give myself the patience to gradually go through everything and I rushed a lot of the work. So, by work, what exactly, chris? What am I talking about? I'm talking about strategic planning that caught me off guard when I've been doing it for 10 damn years, 10 years. One of our big balloon events that I'm volunteering for, that caught me off guard because it's due in February. Why did I not start planning this in August? Right, I was getting married. That's, besides, the point, right, like I think that we are very used to planning everything out that we don't see, I would say, yes, patience is really key in the whole process, but also not looking in the tunnel of 12.


Yes, yes, like that's such a nice little little bite that we can put it in, but that's not life.


No, no, no, that's not necessarily life.


It kind of blew my mind. Two things you said were shocking to me. One you mentioned something about me planning normalcy. No one's accused me of that ever before. I'm like I am. Someone told me the other day like about me having a stable life and I was like oh shit, that's true, I do have a stable life and I was like that was shocking, because that's never been, I know, and that's all last year.


That's what I was working on, right? So I?


was like the whole season one that was the jam, yeah, and so I was like, oh, I've done it, so like, but you're being like, oh, you, how you're so good at planning normalcy. I'm like, does that happen? But the other thing was you're like, yeah, when you're like you know you have a thing in February and you plan it in August, and I'm like, is that what the rest of you are doing? Should I have been doing that? Like God, that sounds responsible. I'll do more. I do. I do plan further out now.


But part of that and I'll just throw this this end, because it I learned it and it's a thing that's true about being a human A lot of folks, especially with the trauma background, don't have the same developmental process in the brain and body as others and that longterm planning is one of those processes that doesn't develop until you have an extended period of safety, stability and security where you're not in survival mode. And then it's like, oh, I don't have to just focus on right now, this minute I can actually think out. So I used to give myself such a hard time that I'd get to February and I hadn't been planning in August. And I've learned it's actually very normal. It's a symptom of trauma that can be reversed, that can be healed, and now I am starting to plan out and I get excited. If I plan out like three weeks in advance, that's pretty exciting for me. If I fill up my gas tank before the light comes on, also very exciting. I did not do that today, that's a good celebration Just over here on my way to work.


But yeah it, you know, we have these standards that assumes a baseline of health that mostly no one is at, and I don't know where these standards came from, but we do, and then it's. It's that same notion of like having to fit in a year or having to start it. At these times, humans are so unique, we're so unique and mysterious, and I wish we could all just let some of that pressure go and be who we are and like be okay with that and eventually like be really excited and supportive of ourselves in our own cycles.


Which reminds me of my next topic that's on here. Fuck it.


Fuck it, which is interesting because there's two different. When I read that, I was like is it like a fuck it moment or like fuck it?


Or see what happens.


Yeah, oh, I like that. Arms down, fuck it, Arms up, fuck it. Those are different fuck it.


So it was an arms up, fuck it in this instance.


T-shirt Arms up fuck it.


Arms up, fuck it Because I said to myself and I'm going to, you'll see the context, like I'm going to. Tarantino it for a minute.


I was just going to say. Can you do it in the actual voice and tone you talk to yourself?


Hey, crystal, shut the fuck up. That's what I say to myself. No, no, no, don't be an asshole. Today we talked about that today. No. So I had a fucking moment a couple months ago where I was like, of course I'm gonna stay healthy as best as I can.


Of course.


I'm gonna take care of my body, but there are a lot of things that are out of my control, that I don't understand what's going on and I just had to say fuck it, because normally January 1st is man, we ate a lot of sweets. Man, we ate a lot of shit food during the holidays. It's time to get our asses back into the gym. I didn't do that. That was not what I wanted to do. I've just learned that, obviously, watch what you eat, get some a little bit exercise whenever you need to keep your heart rate up, at least once a day. I've had to learn fuck it, crystal. Your body's completely different from everybody else's. Completely different from everybody else's. So I'm my parents, and my mom and my family have pancreatic cancer in their history. Right, my dad has hyper blood pressure. I don't have a gallbladder, so I have GI issues. I'm aging.


We were talking about that earlier. We make sounds when we get up and down.


Yeah, oh, I even said to myself I literally put this on my threads account. I said, oh my God, did I hit that part in my midlife crisis? Because I enjoy going to McDonald's and getting a large diet coke at two o'clock in the afternoon. That's a midlife crisis on itself, that's a thing.


That's totally a thing. Or are you not in middle of life? Yeah, I know You're gonna have a short life.


Yes, yes. So that's what I'm saying. I'm like, oh my God, fuck it. Embrace the diet coke at two o'clock in the afternoon Interesting.


Yeah, I have a different theory. Around the holiday, I don't touch diet coke. I could go for one. Better off drinking a regular coke. No, around the holidays I typically do the opposite, and I'll explain why. So instead of starting to get fit in January, I like to start watching what I eat and things while everyone else is eating junk. That way, if I lose five pounds, it's more like I lost 10 pounds compared to everybody else. That's my exercise weight loss hack for you for the coming year, if you double your weight loss around the holiday season. So I do it opposite. I did not this year, clearly, but I can see the comments being like that's fucking brilliant, it is because then everybody's like damn, you're like looking like extra trim and fresh because no one else is.


So more bang for your buck. There you go. Life hack from Jace Double your efforts by just starting earlier. Fuck it, Fuck it. That's how I roll. How can I do less but have it perceived as more?


Oh, my God, story of my life. Three, four more fans, right from 100% 100%.


So whatever happened to Hondo P, do you remember when people said that Hondo P yeah?


100%. Is that like Hondo?


P, it's your, hondo. Like it took me, I didn't know what it meant for a really long time, so I was really late on the game, but then I liked it and I think I held onto it so long I might bring it back. Hondo P, who's with me?


My Mexican self was like wait, wait, wait. Are we talking about getting all PP hearted again?


No, not gonna be all PP hearted. To be fair, I was living in Austin. I don't know if Hondo P didn't come here yet it is to Mexico, we might like in six years you're just gonna be Hondo P and they'll be like Jay said that on Story, Success and stuff Just a trendsetter. You guys watch that show, Hondo P.


What are you all gonna be? Pp hearted? Okay, so we have a couple more minutes left. If you were to talk about the, what are we even talking about?


The whip and like fish. We're talking about all those things. You don't have a gallbladder.


When it comes to resolutions, what advice would you have for somebody that actually did set a resolution? And they're at that point in time it's only what January.


Well, February 2nd. Okay, so February 2nd, right.


They're listening to the show and they're like fuck.


I set a resolution. Yes.


I love this.


What do I do? And they're like failing at it yeah. Or they're not following or they're about to quit.


Or they have already quit and then now we're making them accidentally feel guilty.


Oh shit, no, we can't make you do anything. We don't have that power. But thanks for trying. No, all right, this is my best thing, and I do this with myself, with my clients. Be realistic. Look at your actual efforts. If you were like I'm gonna go to the gym, we'll just stick with this, I'm gonna go to the gym five times a week, and you got there once, be realistic, I'm gonna consistently go to the gym once a week. You can always build off of that. But we often set these goals that don't match what we're ready to put in Start with what you're already putting in. Look at that realistically and then stick with consistency. Small efforts done consistently over time is how change happens. So don't give up. Just be realistic, with no shame. I go to the gym once a week, fuck. Yes, go to the gym once a week, fuck it. And then if you get inspired to go twice, great, do that. Yeah, be realistic, with no shame.


My advice is someone that's listening that has said I had a resolution and I failed at it. It's a matter of understanding. Like the TikTok trend right now is in and out lists, right, I say don't fall within a list Like don't follow these lists Like in and out burger.


Yeah, you know, no, no, no, that sounds really delicious right now. But no, in and out lists of people are writing like what's in, what's out, and they're talking about their personal lives. I think, yes, it's fun, it's trending to do an in and out list on TikTok and that's great. It's good for content, I suppose. But I think compartmentalizing failure is not healthy to some folks and to some degree that I think. Just letting go and just saying you know, falling forward, it didn't work, that's okay. But I know what to do the next time around. I decided to retry this and when I retry it I'm gonna do a lot better. Or I realized that this isn't for me and I'm not gonna force myself into this.


Yeah, this wedge Just collecting data. That's what I look at. Everything, do it as an experiment, collect the data, adjust as needed.


Yes, yes, 100%.




I'm bringing it back, that's gonna do it for. Story Success and Stuff for this week's episode. I'm Crystal and this is Hondo P. I don't want it as a nickname.


God, thank you so much for joining us as we talked about resolutions, we have a fun, fun episode for you next week, and this is Mr Ken Jacobs. Ken Jacobs is an executive coach for public relations professionals across the country and we're very excited to have him and his support of Story Success and Stuff, and so that's gonna be a really fun and exciting episode. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to visit us on your favorite social media channel, your favorite podcast platform or CRScom. Thanks so much. This is Jace. I'm Crystal. We'll see you in the next episode of Story Success and Stuff. Poor you.

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